The world around you can be so loud. It can easily take your attention away from the small voice that is ever present within you. Some people call the voice intuition, a gut feeling, God or Goddess. The small voice is always giving you direction. The fact remains that most women, due to their hectic lives have forgotten how to listen for it and have become disconnected from their intuition and Inner Goddess.
A great way to reconnect with your Inner Goddess is to quiet your mind and go inward during meditation. Once you quiet your mind and silence all of the external noise, your Inner Goddess becomes easier to hear…that makes sense, right?
The more you listen for her guidance; the easier it will become.
I recommend that you begin a daily practice of listening for your Inner Goddess. She’s there waiting to guide you.
Below are a set of tips on how to begin a meditation practice. Not only is meditation excellent for stress relief and calming nerves, its excellent for your physical and mental health. Now, when I suggest a meditation practice, some ladies immediately scoff at me and proclaim, ” I can’t meditate”. “I can’t quiet my mind, I’ll go banana’s sitting there”!
I know, I know, but a beginner meditation practice starts with three minutes…3 minutes! I’m sure you can spare three minutes twice per day…6 whole minutes out of 24 hours!
Three minutes in the morning and three minutes before bed. Use my tips to help get you started…
Tips on how to begin a meditation practice:
- Allow yourself time in each day where there aren’t any electronics on around you. (No TV’s on in the background, perhaps you can unplug the phone too…)
- Sit in a comfortable chair, feet on the floor, spine straight and close your eyes… concentrate on the area between your eyebrows (your third eye – the sixth chakra).
- Begin belly breathing, expand the abdomen on inhale and exhale slowly releasing the air from the abdomen. (Beginners can breathe through your mouth or nose. As you become more comfortable with belly breathing try doing your inhale and exhale solely through your nose.)
- Make your exhales longer in time than your inhales.
- Keep your attention on the sound of your breath as it enters and leaves your body. (If a thought pops in your mind, acknowledge it (yes), then release it and then put your attention back on your breath)
- Start with 3 minutes and then work your way up a minute at a time.
- Learning to meditate is like anything else, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.
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