If you can change your mind, you can change anything!
Your mind is a powerful machine. It’s the computer for your body and it’s running the whole show. When you are in control of your mind you are the boss of how much pleasure, peace, love, abundance and joy you’ll have in your life.
It’s imperative to learn how to reprogram your mind to think positively so that the negative self-talk can be silenced and your monkey mind controlled. It’s the only way to keep your secret self-loathing at bay so that your Inner Goddess can emerge! Yes, we all have shitty thoughts; about ourselves and our lives BUT the more you practice redirecting the mind from negative to positive, the easier if becomes. Simply put, you have to form new habits. Forming new habits feels hard at first but the more you do it, the easier it gets sista!
Using Goddess Affirmations is a great way to begin the reprogramming process. An affirmation is a short, super-positive statement that describes a perfect outcome of a wish. It helps to crowd out negative thought patterns with new, positive ones.
The more you say or repeat the sentences, the more ingrained they become in your mind. Just like forming a new habit, the more times the connection is made in your brain, the deeper the imprint becomes and viola, new thoughts are birthed. You may not believe them at first, you might even giggle or want to abandon ship and ditch this exercise but DON’T! I promise, if you keep at it, you’ll begin to feel better about yourself. When this happens you’ll know for sure that the affirmations are working. In addition to the inner healing that affirmations provide there are some outside benefits too!
As I explained earlier in this paragraph, an affirmation states the ideal outcome of a personal wish that you have. By identifying what you want and expressing it out loud, in words, as though it has already happened, you are sending a clear message to the universe that you are ready to receive the wish. It’s the Law of Attraction at it’s best baby… and I for one… really dig the Law of Attraction.
I have manifested everything in my life, good and bad. Trust me when I tell you the good stuff is way better! A Goddess Affirmation practice works by harnessing positive thinking to manifest your desires, and it’ been used for hundreds of years. A successful affirmation has three key elements:
- A clear sense of purpose.
- Trust and Belief in your desire.
- Consistency- In other words: Repeat, Repeat, And Repeat!
5 (Kick-Ass) Goddess Affirmations
Every morning and every evening look at yourself in a mirror. Without judgment!
Look deep within your beautiful eyes, straight into your soul and connect with your Inner Goddess. She is there! Keep looking until you feel her.
You are a divine Goddess because your mother was Goddess and so were all of the women that came before her in your family lineage since the beginning of time (listen, I know what you’re thinking … some of the women in your lineage may not have behaved like a Goddess, but, you need to know that EVERY woman has the Goddess within her and it’s a personal choice to summon her and give her the permission to emerge).
TIP: At night I do my Affirmations by candle light, it’s very hypnotic and mysterious!
Step 1: Look for your Inner Goddess as you gaze at your gorgeous and divine self in the mirror! And, yes you are gorgeous and divine, Goddess In Training!
Step 2: When you connect with your Inner Goddess say out loud to your reflection any of the following Goddess Mindset Affirmations:
- I am a Goddess and I love what and who I see in the mirror.
- I am a Goddess and I stand in complete satisfaction of who I am and what I look like.
- I am a Goddess and I believe in my unique gifts and abilities.
- I am a Goddess and I deserve respect, love, validation and kindness.
- I am a Goddess and I feel happy, fulfilled, sexy and powerful.
I suggest including Goddess Affirmations as part of your daily ritual for at least a full lunar cycle (approx 28 days) but my recommendation is to practice them forever!
To your Goddess-ness!
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