As we reach the pinnacle of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and Father Sun is at his strongest, it’s a great time to take stock of what’s going on in your life. Ask yourself …
What’s flourishing and growing?
What’s still in shadow?
A simple divination reading might help illuminate things for you. The following method will work with Tarot cards, Runes, Stones, Oracle Cards, etc. I love any reason to use my Tarot cards, so I usually choose to work with them. If you feel that you’re not proficient at “reading”… remember this – practice makes perfect. Every Tarot or Oracle deck comes with a companion book that explains how to interpret each card logically. The first step in card divination is learning the literal meanings of the cards, so what are you waiting for? This is great practice!
First decide your question; will it be “past, present, future” or “yesterday, today, tomorrow”?
I use “yesterday, today, tomorrow” – Three Card Spread because I never use divination for fortune telling, I strictly use divination for daily divine guidance in my daily life.
What do I need to bring my awareness to today…
Next with your chosen question + intention, shuffle the deck as you normally would. In my mind, I ask my cards to “show me”.
Lay out three cards/runes/stones (etc.) in a horizontal row, just like in the photo.
If you’re not sure what the meanings of the cards are, open the companion book and read them. Take time to reflect on what you’ve learned, how does the message relate to your life and situation, and brainstorm a few specific actions to add to your to-do list.
Do you use a Three Card Spread? Do you have a daily divination practice you’d like to share? I’d love to hear more about it below
The post Tarot: Where’s Your Focus? appeared first on Goddess Life Coaching, Life Magick Mentor, Women's Empowerment Coach - The Goddess Lifestyle Plan.